Toddlers need an environment planned and organized in such a way that is developmentally appropriate for them, and one that is not a miniature or watered down preschool. They also need stability and consistency in order to learn to separate easily.
Our Toddler Program’s curriculum satisfies all of these needs, and reinforces the importance of separation, forming new attachments, and exploring. In a Montessori class for toddlers, learning occurs when the children participate in daily routines that include self-care and care of the environment. Dr. Montessori identified five “sensitive periods” in a toddler’s development:
One of the roles of the toddler teacher is to plan and maintain an environment that will help to encourage and nurture this development. Hands-On Montessori’s toddler program offers an atmosphere that shows evidence of unconditional love, safety, and acceptance. The classroom offers a variety of interesting things for the children to look at, explore and experience. We offer a consistent routine without adhering to a rigid time schedule. We follow the rhythmic patterns of the individual toddlers in our classroom.
Your child has a natural drive to be independent which we encourage by creating an environment where everything is just the right size for them to do things on their own. Child sized tools that fit their tiny hands allow them to prepare a snack and serve it to friends. A miniature broom empowers them to clean up on their own. They are taught the skills of self-care and toilet training. Your child learns a set of concrete life skills and self-confidence – but, more importantly, develops the belief that they can choose to make a genuine impact on their world.
Our bright and sunny toddler classrooms are specially designed for your child between the ages of 18 and 33 months. It is a world scaled down to your child’s size. Here, your child paints, cooks, waters the garden, sings songs with friends and plays with materials that develop fine and gross motor coordination.
Often, children who don’t do things for themselves simply don’t know how or haven’t been given the chance. We take a different approach – by observing your child closely, providing just the right lesson when they are ready and then allowing them to practice again and again (and again!) until they master it. Mistakes are viewed as learning opportunities in an atmosphere of patience, trust and respect.
We surround your child with rich and stimulating conversation to support this once-in-a-lifetime period of rapid language development. Your child, trying to blow bubbles, might be encouraged with “Blow! Can you make the air move just like the wind?” Your child’s mind effortlessly absorbs the new vocabulary, which plants the seeds for reading, writing and self-expression in the future.
Where so many early childhood programs are chaotic and overwhelming, parents are often surprised to see the peaceful tone of our toddler classroom. The calm atmosphere and lack of distraction helps them to develop impulse control and concentration, planting the seeds for learning in this classroom and beyond.
Maria Montessori once said, “One test of the correctness of the educational procedure is the happiness of the child.” Take a peek into our Toddler classroom and you will see children who are happy, engaged and deeply connected to their friends and teachers. As a result, your child develops a deep affinity for school and a true love-for-learning.
To be a toddler is to be curious. There are so many things to see, touch, hear, feel and do in the classroom! Beautiful materials that stimulate the senses are rotated frequently on low shelves to pique your child’s curiosity. They are encouraged to move freely around the classroom, to choose activities and explore their own interests.
Sometime between the ages of 2 1/2 to 3 years of age, your child’s language skills and self-expression will develop rapidly; he will express a growing confidence in independence and a keen interest in broader concepts; he will want to know what lies ahead, outside of the Toddler Classroom. Upon completion of the toddler year, they are ready to move up to the
Program, for children from the ages of 2.9 to 6.
“My niece is currently enrolled in the Hands-On Montessori Toddler Program. She LOVES it! The teachers are very loving, attentive and professional. She is thriving and loves learning, thanks to Hands-On… I’m appreciative of the support and love she gets from her teachers and all the staff, and especially the way they were able to adapt to these unprecedented times. Hands-On was one of the best decisions and it’s on to the Pre-School next year!”
- Kristy B
Hands-On Montessori
Hands-On Montessori